Wat Dhammakaya London trained Food Hygiene
Wat Dhammakaya London trained "Food Hygiene"
Branch temples of Wat Phra Dhammakaya in Japan offered alms and saffron robe sets to the monks of Wat Pa Buddharangsee after the temple had been on fire
Branch temples of Wat Phra Dhammakaya in Japan offered alms and saffron robe sets to the teaching monks of Wat Pa Buddharangsee after the temple had been on fire and there was only a saffron robe set left
ร่วมจัดพิมพ์หนังสือ Luang Por Dhammajayo, Beyond Wisdom
ในวาระครบรอบ 70 ปี พระเทพญาณมหามุนีในปีนี้ ขอเชิญผู้มีบุญทุกท่านร่วมสร้างปัญญาบารมี ด้วยการเป็นเจ้าภาพจัดพิมพ์หนังสือ Luang Por Dhammajayo, Beyond Wisdom หนังสือที่แนะนำหลักการและวิธีการนั่งสมาธิ เป็นภาษาอังกฤษ
Meditation Session for Locals // August 23, 2016 - Wat Phra Dhammakaya North Sweden
On August 23rd, 2016 Wat Phra Dhamamkaya North Sweden organized a 1 day Middle Way meditation session for locals in Gåvle, Sweden that was taught by Ven. Vichai Punnadhammo.
Wat Phra Dhammakaya D.C. Arranged the Ceremony of Offering the Monastic Bath Clothes
The Ceremony of Making Merit since the 72nd Birthday Anniversary of the Most Ven. Phrabhavanaviriyakhun (Luang Phaw Dattajivo)
Thai Monastic Assembly Chanted for Nepal
On May 12, 2015, at 4 PM, at Maharatchamongkol Cetiya, Wat Paknam, Bhasicharoen, Somdej Phramaharatchamangkhlajarn, the abbot of Wat Paknam Bhasicharoen and the appointed acting Supreme Patriarch of Thailand,
Heisenberg Schule took a field trip at Wat Phra Dhammakaya Bavaria
If I am determined to keep the 5 precepts fully as Luang Phaw explained about the sweetened tamarind, what will I receive as a result?
Meritorious activities in honor of Songkran Festival at Niendorf Center of Wat Buddha Hamburg in Germany
Wat Buddha Hamburg arranged the meritorious activities in honor of Songkran Festival at Niendorf Center in Germany